Good time for cryptocurrencies but ... how long will it last?

Positive days for cryptocurrencies, but ... how long will the trend last?

bitcoin2-1024x683 Good times for cryptocurrencies but… how long will it last?

The market of criptovaluta remains for the moment in a good phase, with the vast majority of the first 20 cryptomains that demonstrate a positive momentum compared to the end of the 2018. The rally of last weekend that pushed Bitcoin above the 4.000 $, a sort of new psychological threshold, has improved market sentiments, although few seem to believe that the bulls are ready to make a decisive move to forget about the sores past.

Anyway, focusing only on the most well-known cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin for the moment it seems to revolve around the 4.000 dollar pivot. The world's largest and most capitalized digital currency has gained some upward momentum that now appears to be fading, with analysts suggesting that traders should not be too enthusiastic about the recent rally.

Ethereum, the second most capitalized currency and the most popular platform for crowdfunding, got off to a good start in the week, but analysts are also cautious here. The currency is indeed growing even if the impending hard fork could create some imbalance.

The XRP of Ripple, the third largest market capitalization currency, topped $ 0.3700, thanks to a good start to the week. The cryptocurrency is also moving within a short-term uptrend, in a context of low volatility.

Tron (TRX) is instead one of the leaders of growth. The ninth largest currency traded in the world made a significant double-digit leap in the first half of the week. The strong growth was caused by a combination of technical factors and the announcement that the EtherGo application has moved on to the Tron block chain.