CEO Coinbase UK: collaboration with central banks to get cryptocurrencies adopted by everyone

digital-currencies Coinbase UK CEO: Collaboration with central banks to get cryptocurrency mainstream

According to the CEO of Coinbase UK company, Zeeshan Feroz, cryptocurrencies cannot yet be adopted by the masses because banks do not currently favor digital currencies. This concept was expressed during his speech on the Libra project, in fact according to him the adoption of cryptocurrencies it would be easier if the most influential operators in the field of technology were able to collaborate with central banks, which could thus becoming catalysts. 

In recent times, in fact, the world of cryptocurrencies is "shaken" by the various events and attentions that are directed towards the Libra project of Facebook, and above all towards all the difficulties that Zuckerberg is encountering to be able to get this new digital currency accepted by the national banks and institutions.

On the basis of these events, the CEO Feroz, during an interview he held for the English channel the CNBC, he said: I think there are two ways cryptocurrencies can become mainstream. The first is through the intervention of central banks. In fact, if these began to issue the digital equivalent of their national currency, then they could become a catalyst for the adoption of cryptocurrencies by of a higher audience.

On the other, it would be possible, through a technological giant such as Facebook, which has a reach of billions of people, and also has the potential to become a universal form of payment. 

Coinbase is indeed one Exchange for the Libra Association project, for this reason it supports the idea of ​​creating this cryptocurrency and consequently adopting a payment model that combines decentralization with centralization. 

Always on this line of thought, Feroz said that: in order to manage a system for payment in digital currencies, no matter how decentralized the system is, but it is necessary that a centralized institution can maintain a cordial relationship with the banks. I therefore think that there may be space for centralized services that can support the internal cryptocurrency ecosystem along with the advantages of decentralization. 

So, although perhaps the initial concept that led to the creation of cryptocurrencies, in reality has always been thought of precisely in order to decentralize economic power, according to Feroz, with the rise in the sector of technological powers at world level it would be possible to succeed in obtaining a good relationship between decentralization and centralization.