on the crypto
Il Pantheon project aims to offer a series of services based onEthereum, cryptocurrency ready to be the first public blockchain network.
Ethereum: the official debut on the Hyperledger Consortium
Ethereum is ready to join the consortium Hyperledger open-source: would be the first public blockchain network to join Hyperledger.
The Pantheon project aims to offer a range of Ethereum-based services built by the engineering team of ConsenSys named PegaSys.
The Pantheon project sent its proposal to the Hyperledger mailing list earlier this month, exactly on August 8, 2019.
Therefore, if the proposal were accepted by Hyperledger, Pantheon would be renamed Hyperledger Besu. similar to other blockchain projects such as Hyperledger Sawtooth of Intel e Hyperledger Fabric of IBM.
Thanks to Javascript, the Pantheon Ethereum client develops business-grade applications and guarantees privacy.
Pantheon: the first public blockchain project
Pantheon will be the first "public" blockchain project to work under the Hyperledger consortium. The Pantheon code must be easily available on the GitHub page and open to all developers who contribute to the development of the project.
In addition to operating on the Ethereum blockchain network, Pantheon also works on private networks and on test networks such as Ropsten, Rinkeby and Gàrli.
Hyperledger and Ethereum Enterprise Alliance
Last year, in October 2018, Hyperledger collaborated with theEnterprise Ethereum Alliance to define some common standards for the blockchain space.
The project aims to arrive at a common standard that can serve different industry participants.
Hyperledger Consortium: what it is and objectives
Il Hyperledger Consortium was created for the first time by Linux Foundation with the aim of developing open-source blockchain technology.
Similarly, theAEA is a 500-member organization that creates private business applications on the Ethereum blockchain network.
The two organizations believe that the alliance "will allow Hyperledger developers to write code compliant with the SEA specification and certify them through the VEE certification test programs".
Will HyperLedger have its cryptocurrency? The answer is no. There is no intention of having a cryptocoin or digital asset linked to HyperLedger.
Already from the early stages, Brian Behlendorf, the project's executive director rejected the possibility of creating a cryptocurrency.
Furthermore, not having a currency code really means focusing on blockchain technology.
Hyperledger: Governance and members
Early members of the initiative included BLOCKCHAIN ISV, (Blockchain, ConsenSys, Digital Asset, R3, Onchain), financial services firm (ABN AMRO, Banca AnA, BNY Mellon, CLS Group, CME Group, Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation ( DTCC), Deutsche Bàrse Group, JP Morgan, State Street, SWIFT, Wells Fargo, Sberbank), technology platform companies (Cisco, Fujitsu, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, NEC, NTT DATA, Red Hat, VMware), systems integrators (Accenture, Calastone, Wipro, Credits, Guardtime, IntellectEU, Nxt Foundation, Symbiont, Smart Block Laboratory), enterprise software companies such as SAP and academic institutions (Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance, Blockchain at Columbia, UCLA Blockchain Lab),
Il board of directors of the Hyperledger Project it is made up of twenty members chaired by Robert Palatnick (director and chief technological architect of the DTCC), and twelve members of the Technical Steering Committee chaired by Dan Middleton, Principal Engineer at Intel.