on the crypto
Sapien (SPN) current price is $ 0.00000000 with a marketcap of $ 0. Its price is 0.00% on in last 24 hours.
Sapien (SPN)
- Price live $0.00000000
24 hours
- Market Cap $0
- Volume $0
- Available supply 337.05 M SPN
- Range 647
Sapien is a highly customizable, democratized social news platform capable of rewarding millions of content creators and curators without any centralized intermediaries. SPN is a flexible, ERC20-compliant cryptocurrency that will incentivize quality content, power all platform actions, and serve as the backbone of our tokenized economy.
Official website and news Sapien
In which Exchange Sapien
This is the updated list in real time of where to sell and buy this cryptomoneta. Only on these exchanges is it possible to exchange.
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Volume history Sapien
Data | Price | Volume | Market Cap |