Dash admitted to trading on Coinbase Pro

Coinbase Pro one of the cryptocurrency exhange the world's best known, announced the quotation of Dash within its platform. It is already possible to make deposits in this cryptocurrency, while in a few hours the doors to trading will be opened.

dash-300x300 Dash admitted to trading on Coinbase Pro

With a market capitalization of over 800 million dollars, Dash it is the 16th cryptocurrency by global value: its CEO, Ryan Taylor, said that the addition of Dash to Coinbase Pro was the result of a long process of analysis and verification of digital currency standards, and that it is also the the result of the goodness of the work carried out in Dash, which today implements a privacy technique called CoinJoin, capable of bringing - in this context - significant added values ​​compared to digital competition.

For the top manager of Dash, Coinbase (see also the Coinbase card) it was able to understand this effort and, for this reason, to reward with the addition to its trading platform a serious and reliable project such as the cryptocurrency in question.

Taylor then explained that CoinJoin is able to mix multiple transactions into a single write on the blockchain, making it more difficult to identify where the payments are actually going.