Difference between Bitcoin and Litebitcoin

Difference between Bitcoin and Litebitcoin: a mini guide to unravel between two cryptocurrencies of main international reference.

When you approach the world of cryptocurrency, it is not uncommon to "confuse" the reference assets due to the similarity of their names, and to the fact that very often the original codes are the same.

Well, one of the most frequent cases is the one that contrasts Bitcoin e Litebitcoin. Although part of the name of the virtual currency is the same, these are two different assets, which it would be advisable to try to address separately, to then grasp the main differences.

trading-bitcoin-3-300x189 Difference between Bitcoin and Litebitcoin

How Bitcoin is made

Bitcoin it is the best known criptovaluta in the world and probably also the virtual currency that needs less introduction.

Bitcoin is in fact the system that has given rise to the interest of public and financial opinion in relation to these assets, and is still the most capitalized and traded virtual currency in the world.

litebitcoin Difference between Bitcoin and Litebitcoin

How Litebitcoin is made

Certainly less known is instead Litebitcoin a recently entered cryptocurrency in the panorama of encrypted virtual currencies, and arose from an evolution of the same code of Bitcoin, from which it takes its name partially.

The goal of this fork was to allow for the availability of one blockchain that could guarantee greater speed and stability to the cryptographic system, compared to what was already in place with bitcoins.

cryptocurrencies-bdswiss Difference between Bitcoin and Litebitcoin

The differences

At this point, you should have already understood what the differences are between the two assets: Bitcoin e Litebitcoin are two different and separate currencies, and in common they have only the original code, which by the parties to Litebitcoin have tried to evolve in positive terms.

The differences did not of course end here. Suffice it to recall how Bitcoin is considerably more traded and capitalized than the "colleague", and how to invest in bitcoins is much easier thanks to the high number of brokers who have the availability of this asset within their platforms. In conclusion:

  • capitalization: the market capitalization of Bitcoin is greater than 250 billion dollars, thanks to a dynamic expansion achieved especially in 2017. The capitalization of Litebitcoins, on the other hand, is much more contained, which today capitalize around 35 thousand dollars;
  • price: the price of a bitcoin is now over 15 thousand dollars; the unit value of the litebitcoins is instead equal to 0,011148 dollars, or if you prefer 0,00000074 bitcoins;
  • currency in circulation: the litebitcoins in circulation are just over 3 million units, against a supply of bitcoins which amounts to almost 17 million;
  • Total supply: as known, most of the bitcoins have already been mined, while the remaining part will be gradually made available up to a total of 21 million bitcoins. In this sense, the climb of litebitcoins has just begun, given that 3 million units available are a small fraction of the more than 161 million litebitcoins foreseen by the project.