A Kampala everything is ready for Africa Blockchain 2019, the conference which will take place in Uganda on 3 and 4 July and which is entrusted with the task of indicating the strategies that could allow the African continent not only to support what is now defined by many as the fourth industrial revolution, but also to become one of the protagonists.
The Ugandan president will open the proceedings Yoweri Museveni, indicated as one of the most convinced supporters of Blockchain technology, precisely in function of the economic growth of his country. A growth that digital assets could favor above all in sectors such as fintech, telecommunications, agriculture and the production and transformation of raw materials.
The role of CryptoSavannah
A major role within Africa Blockchain 2019 will be covered by CryptoSavannah, a company already known for its proposals aimed at implementing technological solutions for governments and businesses. The company in Uganda has created a partnership with Binance during 2018, with the aim of finding the financial resources with which to subsidize the growth of industry in the country.
In presenting the conference, the number one of CryptoSavannah, Noah Baalesanvu, wanted to emphasize very strongly that the black continent is going through a phase of great growth, to which countries such as South Africa, Kenya e Nigeria.
The importance of blockchain for Africa
As Kampala prepares for the conference, the debate about the prospects that a massive adoption of the Blockchain could open for the entire continent, which sees as usual a considerable polarization between those who show great confidence and those who do not bother to hide his skepticism.
In the first faction it should be remembered in the meantime Tedd George, head of the Togolese research group Ecobank, which indicates in Blockchain an ideal tool to successfully face the gigantic political, social and economic challenges facing the continent.
The skeptics have instead embraced the position of World Economic Forum, according to which focusing on this technology could turn out to be a bad choice, wasting important resources on unprofitable experiments, resulting in a slowdown in the development of solutions for simpler, but also more pressing problems. In particular, critics call for central issues such as costs to be taken into account. As is known, in fact, cryptocurrency mining involves an increasingly significant use of energy resources which, in a continent still without two thirds of electricity, are practically impossible to find without an adequate infrastructure plan.
It should also be stressed that while the discussion is going on, many startups have already arisen in Africa which have given rise to solutions based on the Blockchain, starting from the Kenyan BitPesa, an online payment platform in February of the 2018 acquired TransferZero, a well-known Spanish money transfer company, and from the Ghanaian BitLand, which in turn made the process of registering land plots practically immutable. Names that are to be considered the classic tip of the iceberg.