The Game is the path towards the adoption of the blockchain

How_to_Improve_Your_Gaming_PC_Performance-Hero Gaming is the Path to Blockchain AdoptionThe Game has provided a platform for new technologies. It offers a more relaxed learning curve and combines some technical hurdles with exciting play.

The Game has been a leader in mainstreaming technology, from arcade and VR and online communities. Although blockchain was not originally meant to be a gaming technology, it is evident that many gaming apps have recognized its value and have integrated blockchain capabilities into their platforms. 

This has made it possible for thousands of players to become expert cryptocurrency users. Here is a practical example:

Axie's server crashed after reaching the milestone of 500.000 daily active users. This is a challenge for any blockchain gaming platform. Although it caused stress for some players, the issue was resolved quickly. It is also a testament to how fast these platforms are growing. The founding teams didn't know when there was going to be a huge spike in users.

Some platforms are just looking to make quick money from the blockchain trend. But there are many others who have developed games and entire ecosystems that depend on the blockchain and have created functionality that is impossible without it. 

This article will explore some of the most prominent examples of gaming platforms embracing the blockchain. It will also discuss how they created new worlds and attracted many new cryptocurrency converts.

Here are two more examples:


Splinterlands is a blockchain-based digital card game in which players can purchase cards and then trade them with other players around the world. Splinterlands digital cards are created using NFT technology, which is different from traditional card games. 

This creates cards with real value and allows for collectibles that can increase in value depending on the demand and rarity of the market.

It has become a highly regarded cryptocurrency-based game with a large user base, profitable revenue streams, and earning opportunities for players. It's a synergistic relationship between an exciting platform, which is free, and a rewarding platform that rewards time and money. Rewards include daily missions, unique cards, and ever-changing gameplay. There are also regular tournaments where you can win real money prizes from Splinterlands.

Community Gaming

Community gaming events started in New York in 2017. They have grown into weekly events with LAN centers and bars, restaurants, coworking spaces and other venues. The team has hosted 200 events and has been affected by the pandemic. 

They decided to tackle the basic problems they faced and create their own eSports platform. This has enabled massive growth without being limited by physical locations or third party software.

This is how it drives blockchain adoption The decision was made to build on Community Gaming's existing solution by combining registration / ticketing, tier management software and player payments into one integrated whole. 

The quality of their tournaments has been significantly improved by integrating a cryptocurrency-based payment platform. Both organizers and players can set up wallets, make payments and hold cash prizes in an escrow account. They can also initiate payments immediately after the tournament ends. 

This innovation is a breakthrough in the world of esports and shows attendees how blockchain can be trusted as an escrow and borderless payment platform.