The Blockchain could be a great opportunity for the world of work

blockchain_tech Blockchain could be a great opportunity for the world of work

Talking about Blockchain, the judgment of those who are critical of digital assets also tends to be positive. Moreover, it is not a great surprise in an increasingly globalized world in which the relations of force are founded on capacity for innovation of individual countries. To push most analysts to look favorably on the technology on which cryptocurrencies are based is also the realization that it it is establishing itself as a real engine for employment.

Most requested professional figures: the Blockchain is now in great shape

Le applications based on the Blockchain they are always more. with startups and established companies in very different fields that bring to the market solutions able to be useful in the most diverse sectors, from the management of digital identity to the healthcare sector, passing through financial transactions, property registers, large-scale distribution and fashion.
An offer that went to cross with the needs of large companies that even in the first phase of technology development they were kept at a safe distance, fearing that it could be the Trojan horse for criminal activities and gangs. A judgment that has changed radically over time, turning into its opposite, or into recognition of the potential of the services that can be prepared with the Blockchain. An observation that has had far-reaching consequences on the world of work, if only it is thought that in the course of the 2018 the works related to the Blockchain could already boast the second fastest growth on the market, with well 14 job openings for every developer!

Confirmation comes from LinkedIn

The data of the 2018 is however exceeded even from that made known by LinkedIn, which in its recent report states that the number of figures sought in this context has increased by 33 times over the last twelve months. This means that whoever has the necessary skills and is looking for a job in this area on the Italian territory, can choose between them 150 offers, while in the United States they are up to about 4mila.
In a world that looks with great concern at the lack of work and the further contraction of possibilities that could be caused by increasingly pronounced automation, one can easily understand how even the world of politics is obliged to come to terms with the new reality. In fact, they are extremely qualitative professionals, such as developers, designers, software engineers, analysts, Blockchain Project Managers, Blockchain Attorney and others.

How much can you earn?

Coveted figures and contended to the sound of big salaries from companies that are increasingly aware that the ability to withstand the challenge of increasingly competitive and selective global markets may depend on their adoption. To better understand this aspect, it will be enough to remember how in an article published in 2018, the Financial News stated that a blockchain developer can easily earn 130.000 dollars a year, the fifth, moreover, of what the best talents can put in their pockets, or twice as much as a senior trader specialized in acquisitions and mergers on the London Stock Exchange.