Cryptocurrencies are worth more than 400 billion dollars

Cryptocurrencies are worth more than 400 billion dollars: The explosion of the success of virtual currencies continues.

Bitcoin continues to break records, but it is the whole cryptocurrency sector that can easily celebrate a real boom. In fact, if it is true that bitcoins have recorded record increases over the past few weeks, it is also true that the whole sector is rejoicing.

cryptocurrencies-1212-1 Cryptocurrencies are worth more than 400 billion dollars

More than 1.300 cryptocurrencies in circulation

Not everyone knows for example that in the world there are about 1.330 cryptocurrencies in addition to Bitcoin, and that their overall value of capitalization exceeds i 400 billion dollars. However, do not be surprised if most of you do not even know the existence: of the 1.330 cryptocurrencies launched on the intricate market of virtual coins, in fact, only 17 have exceeded one billion capitalization.

JP Morgan and cryptocurrencies

What the future holds is still a mystery. Faced with major openings (CME is launching the first bitcoin futures, JP Morgan change evaluation course and imagine a rosy future as a safe haven, Maduro has in mind to launch a virtual state currency in Venezuela, and so on), in fact, there are skepticisms that are far from deflated ...

cryptocurrencies-1212-2 Cryptocurrencies are worth more than 400 billion dollars

Cryptocurrencies, between advantages and risks

In short, compared to an unprecedented boom, the cryptocurrency they do not fail to offer interesting points of concern.

On the other hand, that the lack of regulation the industry is generating increasing volatility problems is certainly not a mystery.

Let it suffice to remember, without going back over time, that in the last days Bitcoin It was the protagonist of a 20% slump in a few hours after passing the $ 19 mark, only to go back up in a swing which is probably largely due to the fact that the currency is traded only on the over the counter.

Therefore, what will happen to cryptocurrencies? Difficult to predict, but one thing is certain: 2018 could represent the year of maturity of this business, or the moment in which we will wake up from an interesting financial experiment ...