False statements by celebrities about the Crypto Wealth platform

fake-news-jpg-1200x675 Le dichiarazioni false delle celebrità a proposito della piattaforma Ricchezza CriptoOften when something revolutionary comes up online, many people are ready to invest in order not to miss the train. Automated trading platforms have been very popular lately. In addition, articles by several famous people have appeared online claiming that they have made fortunes using obscure investment schemes.

Is it true that these celebrities have tested and profited from these schemes? It looks so good, it could easily be a scam. Various articles have appeared on popular social media and talk about Crypto Wealth as a safe and reliable program. It has also reportedly received the investment from many famous people. But will it be true?

Online it is said that famous people like Flavio Briatore have used investment programs like Crypto wealth and they made their best investment ever. However, hearing Briatore, he said he had never heard of such a platform and that he would have heard his lawyers about it.

It appears that these articles are fake and that no star actually sponsors Crypto Wealth. These fake articles that appeared online, they all look a bit alike, with statements like: "Crypto Wealth was the biggest investment I've ever made."

However, when Briatore was contacted, he said: “I don't know this company at all. It is definitely a scam. I went to a lawyer who will take care of this. And now I will go online to see what a "bitcoin" is.

All the celebrities mentioned in these scam articles have been contacted and all have confirmed that they are not part of this dark scheme to attract new customers and steal their money. Crypto Wealth is a platform advertised on various online financial sites, and all news starts with statements like, "This or that has made thousands of dollars investing with this automated software."

These fake news are meant to attract people to sign up for the Crypto Wealth platform. Potential investors are advised to deposit $ 250 and then simply sit back and relax as they automatically become “the next millionaire”.

Along with the unlikely news is the alleged celebrity support. The announcement states that Briatore and other famous people have been approached by someone who introduced them to Bitcoin trading. The news continues stating that the celebrity has made millions thanks to this safe investment scheme.

Other posts mentioned Lorenzo Jovanotti is Bitcoin who reportedly had already made a 630% return on his initial investment. Readers and investors still don't have to avoid Crypto Wealth, because its true effectiveness has not yet been proven, and it's no secret that many people have become millionaires overnight with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading.

The platform site encourages traders and investors to invest a minimum deposit of 250 euros to become the next millionaire and by investing in Bitcoin. In support of their effectiveness, they publish testimonials from fake users.