on the crypto
Excellent news when a cryptocurrency is listed on an exchange, particularly if the exchange is as important as Kucoin.
Kucoin and NPXS
From 10 Aprile (Today) it will be possible to exchange NPXS on Kucoin in both BTC and ETH.
As we know NPXS is a token that is giving around 11% dividends until June, so if you have 1000 token, I will have 1111 token the first of each month.
Kucoin is the only exchange that does not generate monthly dividends but does it daily, which is why many users have chosen it, this is the official Kucoin link , surely also for Pundi X it will do the same.
How to buy NPXS on Kucoin
You must transfer your BTC or ETH to Kucoin and then proceed with the purchase.
If you have neither BTC nor ETH you need to sign up Coinbase o Spectrocoin to buy these two coins by credit card or bank transfer and then transfer them to Kucoin.
What is NPXS for?
This is a very recurring question, it serves as an exchange currency for the purchase of goods and as a blockchain as all the transactions of their virtual POS run on it.
We hope that it will quickly be adopted by the masses, it would be a great push for the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies in general.