Tezos will be listed in Coinbase pro: find out the date

Great news for all Tezos fans, 5 August 2019 will be listed on Coinbase PRO.

Coinbase pro and Tezos

tezos Tezos to be listed on Coinbase Pro: find out the date

As some will know, the platform Coinbase pro is the trading platform of the great Coinbase Exchange.

It is an evolved platform for trading, where it is possible to set stop loss / Limit in buying and selling, has significant volumes and is one of the most used by cryptocurrency traders.

Obviously you cannot buy crypto with a credit card or bank transfer, for that you have to do it on Coinbase (see guide on Coinbase).

Tezos listed on the 5 August

Yesterday we had an almost 30% pump at the news of this list (see Tezos quotation in real time) it is evident that it will be an event to be followed carefully. 

There are several phases that will happen on the 5 August, first it will be possible to transfer the coins to Coinbase pro, then it will be possible to set limits and orders and then as soon as there will be availability it will enable the trading.

And Coinbase?

Often the coins after Coinbase pro are also listed on Coinbase, but there is still no official news, remember that the last coin listed was Chainlink did 600% in a week.

Where to buy Tezos now 

You must first buy BTC by wire transfer or credit card on


and then swap it up

