Bitcoin & co .: an (almost) all-male world. Here are the results of a recent research conducted for eToro.
A new demographic analysis performed on a sample of people who do Trading on cryptovalutes found quite interesting results. For example, it turns out that very few traders are women, most have little or no previous experience in financial investment, and many are students or work in sales and marketing roles.
The study for eToro
- market analysts who made that observation for eToro thus they conducted research on a large user base, in order to support the broker to better understand who they are bitcoin investors and in others cryptocurrency.
Analyzing the data from March 2017 to February 2018, the researchers thus examined the public profiles of those who they invest in cryptocurrencies using the broker's platform, obtaining demographic insights from age, gender, job sector.
In particular, an interesting point that emerges from the data is that the absolute majority of traders have recently entered online trading and do not have much investment experience. In fact, 81,96% is at the neophyte level, 10,66% can be defined at an intermediate level and only 7,38% has an advanced level of experience in the market.
As regards then the breakdown by occupation, it is not surprising to see a significant part of traders belonging to professional technology and ICT sectors, at 15,05%, as well as the financial sector, at 8,48%. Less expected is the high percentage of sales and marketing people involved in cryptocurrency trading, at 14,49%. In addition, around 30% of cryptocurrency traders are currently out of the job market, with 13,85% being students, 2,06% being retired and 14,74% being unemployed.
Finally, only 8,5% of bitcoin and other cryptocurrency traders are female
A gender imbalance
Taking a cue from what was stated in the conclusion of the previous paragraph, we therefore discover that one of the main demographic problems it is the lack of female representation. The data show in fact as less than a tenth of the criptovalute trader both women, with an 8,5% market share compared to 91,5% for men.
However, there is little that is worth surprising, given that the Bitcoin it is located at the crossroads between technology and finance: two fields that already suffer from a serious gender imbalance.
As for the other cryptocurrencies, Ripple seems to attract women more, while Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin are firmly in male territory.