LG ready for the launch of a new blockchain friendly smartphone

LG LG ready to launch a new blockchain-friendly smartphone

Always a rival of Samsung, LG certainly does not want to fall behind, indeed his desire is to go hand in hand with the Korean company, for this reason after he heard of the new smartphone of Samsung Electronic and Kakao, blockchain friendly, seems to have thought of launching a similar model as soon as possible. 

Lo blockchain friendly smartphone from Samsung and Kakao takes the name of KlatynPhone, based on the design of the Galaxy Note 10, at the moment it can be bought only in South Korea. Klatyn from which this new smartphone takes its name, is a blockchai platform controlled by Samsung's partner in this project, the subsidiary of Kakao, the Ground X. 

All the Samsung KlatynPhones will be compatible with the Klaytn cryptocurrency (KLAY), and have a pre-installed native wallet, an exchange and 5 applications that are based on the blockchain (BApps). 

For this reason, LG would be running for cover to keep up with its historic rival. In South Korea the rivalry between LG and Samsung is deeply felt, not only that, LG knows as well as the Koreans in the last period they are more and more fascinated by cryptocurrencies which is why they want to study a new smartphone with an integrated blockchain. 

LG's problems with blockchain integration

Despite, LG wants to achieve results quickly already brought home by Samsung, it may take months for the release of its Blockchain-based smartphone. Indeed, the Korean company is lagging behind its rival, not only according to an official of the LG company it would have found itself in difficulties in integrating blockchain-based services into their smartphones. 

The relationship with Kakao has certainly been helpful to Samsung, as the application has 50 millions of mostly Korean users. Despite this, LG is working hard on the study of blockchain technology, so much so that it has launched its own platform that takes the name of Monachain and is also working with several banks, and a token for a possible stablecoin.