on the crypto
It seems finally time for Neapolitan Bitcoin, after the repeated notices by Luigi De Magistris, the Neapolitan mayor, in the past months. Just the first citizen of the city of Campania wanted to emphasize the fact that the new virtual uniform sees in the creation attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto a model to be adopted for municipal services.
The date set for the debut of the Neapolitan virtual uniform is August ( and in any case a Neapolitan project started around 6 months ago and brought to fruition), although of course it will take some time for it to become fully operational. Already now, however, the project is destined to unleash considerable curiosity, being the first ever that features a large city in our country.
The Naples Blockchain project
The launch of the virtual uniform to be used in municipal services falls within what has been defined Naples project Blockchain, whose purpose is to be able to guarantee help to the local economy to be implemented through an ever wider coverage of the most sensitive sectors, in particular by rewarding virtuous behavior.
Precisely for this reason, among the possible uses of the Neapolitan Bitcoin, De Magistris indicated above all that within the ecological islands, where citizens would be repaid through tokens to be able to spend at a later time in shops that have in the meantime entered into an agreement with the municipality. Other possible uses to which we are thinking are then those as book coupons, or as exchange money for school canteens.
A project already started
It should however be reiterated that if the new token will be the fulcrum of the Napoli Blockchain project, the experimentation of cryptocurrencies in the territory of the Campania capital it was already taken in the second half of 2018. 13 commercial establishments had joined the first test phase, the number of which had then risen rapidly, involving dozens of other cities that were evidently curious to undertake a road capable of expanding their business.
At the time the board oppositions had reacted with sarcasm, symbolized in particular by the words with which the president of the Forza Italia group within the Campania Regional Council, Armando Cesaro, had invited De Magistris to put down the flask. A heavy and at least inappropriate irony, which could now turn against the skeptics, considering how many exhibitors had instead immediately shown that they liked an experiment of this kind, starting fromNeapolitan Pizza Association. The same ones who could now take advantage of that decision, attracting more dynamic and ready customers to participate in an alternative way of consuming and using services.
The reasons behind the plan
The arrival of the token can be considered one of the most striking results of the work group set up on a voluntary basis by Palazzo San Giacomo, which had soon joined more than 300 personalities in the sector, from all over the globe.
De Magistris himself, by presenting it, had intended to emphasize the fact that the decision to adopt a digital currency based on the Bitcoin model was not to be understood as an impromptu stunt, but as the possible answer to the new challenges imposed by the great growth in terms of tourism in Naples. A growth such as to impose solutions capable of implementing services to tourists and, consequently, innovative forms for payments, responding to what is happening globally, with an eye to an experience already implemented in Italy, that of Rovereto.
The example of Rovereto
In fact, the center of Trentino had, in the course of the past years, leapt to the headlines for the decision by many merchants to accept Bitcoins as a payment method.
An event that had prompted the media to indicate Rovereto as the Italian capital of cryptocurrencies, a reputation that however has been deflating with the passage of time, so much so that currently few people are left to allow their customers to pay in Bitcoin.
Of course, De Magistris' hope is that Naples, precisely because of the numbers it can collect and an economy that needs adequate services, also from the point of view of payments, can have a different response from that of Rovereto. So much that you can too represent a possible outlet for the many tricolor startups related to Blockchain technology that are looking around in order to identify ecosystems able to favor their growth and consolidation.