Telegram, here are the latest news on your cryptocurrency

He has been secretly working for over a year, with only one new goal: the messaging service Telegram indeed, he wants to beat Facebook in the race to launch his own cryptocurrency, with his own new Gram project. But what is it?

Little is known of Gram, but the media say that Telegram would like to create an accessible service easier to use than the various ones cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

In a leaked online document, Telegram he admitted that he wanted to create a "standard cryptographic currency used for the regular exchange of value in the everyday life of ordinary people". Whatever this statement really means, it is more concretely possible that Telegram is thinking about the provision of a secure and fast payment system, with the aim of becoming “an alternative to Visas e Mastercard for a new decentralized economy ".

Now, considering that Libra, the Facebook cryptocurrency, should be launched in the 2020, it is likely that Telegram wants to speed up the times. The New York Times even reports that the former Gram token could be put into circulation within two months. To this end, Telegram has collected 1,7 billion worth of capital from 200 private investors through a Initial Coin Offering (ICO) performed in two stages. Such was the success of this operation that the media said that Telegram found itself in the fortunate position of canceled a new fundraising round.

However, at least under the official profile, Telegram has not yet issued any official statement, and the investors who participated in the project are firmly bound by a confidentiality clause.