THEUnicef has just declared, with an official press release published on its website, that it will now be able to receive, hold and provide cryptocurrency donations thanks to its new cryptographic fund. This is the first time that a structure of the United Nations, UNICEF, can use cryptocurrencies to finance initiatives for the benefit of children and young people around the world.
Again according to what is stated in the press release, the Unicef Cryptocurrency Fund operates in such a way that the contributions received will be kept in their original cryptocurrency (that of payment of the contribution), and may in turn be granted in the same cryptocurrency.
"This is a new and exciting venture for UNICEF - said Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of UNICEF - If digital economies and currencies have the potential to shape the lives of future generations, it is important to explore the opportunities they offer. This is why the creation of our Cryptocurrency Fund is a significant and welcome step forward in humanitarian and development work".
Unicef also specified that the first contributions to the Fund will be donated by the Foundation Ethereum and will benefit three beneficiaries of the Unicef Innovation Fund - and a project coordinated by the GIGA initiative to connect schools around the world to the Internet.
"The Ethereum Foundation is excited to demonstrate the power of what Ethereum technology and blockchain can do for communities around the world. Together with Unicef we are working with Cryptofund to improve access to basic needs, rights and resources", Said Aya Miyaguchi, executive director of the Ethereum Foundation. "Our goal is to support the research and development of the Ethereum platform and to grow the community of those who benefit from a technology that will improve countless lives and industries in the years to come. We would like to thank Unicef and the Unicef family of national committees for their leadership in creating real progress together ".