Thefts from crypto-currency exchanges: the value already exceeds 1,3 billion dollars

Theft from cryptocurrency exchanges: the equivalent already exceeds $ 1,3 billion. The wave of hackers on crypto does not stop ...

hacker5 Thefts from cryptocurrency exchanges: the value already exceeds 1,3 billion dollars

With the recent hack of Bithumb, the total that hackers stole from exchange of cryptocurrency rose above the $ 1,3 billion threshold. This is obviously a count that takes into account the entire history of the thefts from bags criptovalutarie, and which allows - observing the statistical historical series - to understand how much the phenomenon has worsened in the last quarters.

Attacks on exchanges

Although in fact the number of attacks on exchanges has remained relatively the same every year, it is also true that about 61% of thefts occurred in 2018. There has also been an interesting polarization of fraud, so much so that the 10 largest cryptocurrency thefts now represent 96,6% of the total of the value of the attacks, while alone the three major and best known cases (Coincheck, Mt. Gox e BitGrail) represent the 78,5% of the total.

The amount subtracted from cryptographic exchange rates it therefore continues to increase sharply, and according to the research conducted by The Block, is continuing at a good pace towards new thresholds.

Again according to the analysis carried out, the greatest weakness of the cryptopovaluation ecosystem seems to be the presence of centralized institutions that hold users' private keys. With the increase in the price of cryptocurrencies, the large wallets controlled by the exchanges have become a real must-have attraction for hackers ...